Infinite Mac is a collection of classic Macintosh system releases and software, all easily accessible from the comfort of a (modern) web browser.

Pick any version of System Software/Mac OS from the 1980s or 1990s and run it (and major software of that era) within a virtual machine. You can also run a custom version with your choice of machine and virtual disks. Files can be imported and exported using drag and drop, and System 7 and onward have more advanced integrations as well – refer to the welcome screen in each machine for more details.

You can learn more, see what's changed recently or donate to support this project.



System 1.0
January 24, 1984

Initial system software release, shipped with the Mac 128K.


System 2.0
April 8, 1985

Introduced the ”New Folder” and ”Shut Down” commands, the MiniFinder, and the Choose Printer DA. Also added icons to list view and the Command-Shift-3 screenshot FKEY.

System 2.1
September 17, 1985

Added support for the Hard Disk 20 drive and the HFS file system.


System 3.0
January 16, 1986

Added more complete support for HFS, a RAM disk cache, zoom boxes for windows and a redesigned control panel. Introduced with the Mac Plus.


System 5.0
October 8, 1987

Introduced the MultiFinder, revised the Finder about box, and improved printing support.


System 6.0
April 30, 1988

Added MacroMaker, Map and CloseView utilities.


System 6.0.5
March 19, 1990

Bundled 32-bit QuickDraw (previously a separate package). Added support for the Mac IIfx.


System 7.0
May 13, 1991

Fully 32-bit clean, the MultiFinder is now mandatory, reorganized the System Folder into subfolders, made the Apple menu customizable, revamped the window appearance, and much more.


System 7.5
September 12, 1994

Featured a new startup screen, drag-and-drop support and the Launcher. Included a hierarchical Apple menu, Extensions Manager, menu bar clock, Find File, Stickies, WindowShade, all based on licensed third-party utilities.


System 7.5.3
March 11, 1996

Brought Open Transport and other improvements released with the PCI Power Mac-only 7.5.2 release to a broader set of Macs.

KanjiTalk 7.5.3
March 11, 1996

Japanese edition of System 7.5.3.


Mac OS 7.6
January 7, 1997

First to be officially called “Mac OS”. Improved performance and reliability. Featured a revamped Extensions Manager and speech support.

Mac OS 8.0
July 26, 1997

Introduced the Platinum appearance, multi-threaded Finder, context menus, popup windows, and other features.


Mac OS 8.1
January 19, 1998

Added support for the HFS+ file system.

Mac OS 8.5
October 17, 1998

Introduced Sherlock, 32-bit icons in the Finder, font smoothing, a new help system and the application palette.